| Day Planner | Overview | Events | Leaders | Venues |
Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 6:30 AM to 9:00 AM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Krisztina Scheeff
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Morro Bay State Park Marina
Meet@: Morro Bay State Park Marina
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Are you a birder and would like to learn more about your camera and how to capture your own photos? Join professional Nature Photographer Krisztina with KS Nature Photography at Morro Bay State Park Marina for a casual session of birding with the added bonus of photography.
Open to all ages, birders, photographers, and anyone who would like to learn more about the birds and about basic camera techniques for bird photography. Bring your binoculars and any camera, if you like (point and shoot, DSLR, Mirrorless - and any lens). To read more about Krisztina, please visit www.KSNaturePhotography.com
Meets at the Peninsula Trail Head, southeast end of the State Park Marina parking lot, across from Morro Bay State Park Campground.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Max Roberts | Reef Comer | Emma Cox
Fee: $105.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Multiple Sites
Meet@: Morro Bay Community Center
Transportation Type: Bus
Join Max Roberts, Emma Cox and Reef Comer for a BIG DAY of birding! Expect a fast-paced day, with the possibility of rapid ID of over 100 species at hot spots in SLO County. Special effort on regional specialties and rarities. Pace to be determined by the leader with input from the group. Travel in bus with leader and many in/out stops. Meets at Morro Bay Comm. Center, 1001 Kennedy Way, Morro Bay.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Jacqueline Deely
Fee: $130.00
Trip Type: Master Class
Venue: Baywood Inn
Meet@: Baywood Inn
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Bird photography is one of the most challenging genres of nature photography, but also one of the most rewarding. Led by professional wildlife photographer and naturalist (Jacqueline Deely), this fun, supportive workshop is designed with entry level bird photographers in mind. Build your confidence and become acquainted with the recommended settings, techniques and post processing procedures used to capture compelling images of birds. Gain an understanding of light, composition, exposure and ethical practices while out in the field, as you are thoughtfully guided along the way. An in-class lecture will provide invaluable tips and advice along with time to discuss and share. Known for her friendly, relaxed style, Jacqueline enjoys teaching and is eager to pass on her knowledge and expertise. If you love birds and want to know how to photograph them, this is the master class for you!
Part 1 will take place from 7:30am to 12 Noon; after a lunch break, Part 2 is from 2:00pm to 4:30pm. Both sessions will involve driving to other locations. Lunch is NOT included.
Meets at the Baywood Inn, 1335 3rd St, Los Osos. Conference Room is adjacent to the parking lot.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 7:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Scott Stellar
Fee: $45.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Santa Margarita Lake Ranger Station
Meet@: Santa Margarita Lake Ranger Station
Transportation Type: Boat
Join Captain Scott Stellar on a pontoon boat ride adventure birding Santa Margarita Lake. We'll cruise pretty much the entire lake taking in all the migratory and permanent birds as well as shoreline wildlife that abound. Restrooms are available along the route.
Meets at the Marina at Santa Margarita Lake, 4695 Santa Margarita Lake Road, Santa Margarita.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: John Flaherty
Fee: $55.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: MB State Park Kayak Launch
Meet@: MB State Park Kayak Launch
Transportation Type: Kayak
Go on a guided kayak tour of Morro Bay for an up close opportunity to see birds in their natural habitat! You may see: White Pelicans, Brant, Common Loons and a host of other migratory waterfowl and shorebirds. Paddle near the Heron Rookery, Grassy Island oyster farm, mudflats and channels of the Back Bay. Using double kayaks, no prior kayaking experience needed. Dress in layers with the following guidelines: synthetics or wool, no cotton, windbreaker jacket, hat for sun and wind protection, and shoes that can get wet. Weather conditions may cancel. Meets at the Morro Bay State Park Marina Kayak Shop. 10 State Park Road, Morro Bay.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Bettina Eastman
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Morro Rock
Meet@: Morro Rock
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Morro Rock is home to Peregrine Falcons, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Common Yellowthroat, various sparrows, the elusive Canyon Wren, and sometimes a Burrowing Owl. Join Bettina Eastman to look for cormorants, various species and age classes of gulls, Brown Pelicans and maybe a Common Murre. Meets at Morro Rock. Coleman Drive, Morro Bay. Meet across from bathrooms, next to Morro Rock.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Mike Bush | Seth Greene | Harnawaz Boparai
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Montana de Oro
Meet@: Montana de Oro
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Montana de Oro is a spectacular 8,600-acre state park with untamed coastline and coastal uplands. Join Mike Bush, Seth Greene and Harnawaz Boparai to search for rocky-shore shorebirds, water birds, raptors, and passerines in various habitats. Includes 1-2 miles of slow walking. 20 miles round trip by personal vehicle. Moderate. Meets at the Spooner Ranch House, 3550 Pecho Valley Road, Los Osos. From Los Osos, west on Los Osos Valley Road, becomes Pecho Valley Road. Ranch House if 5.2 miles from Los Osos.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Van Pierszalowski
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Fiscalini Ranch
Meet@: Fiscalini Ranch
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Bird with Van Pierszalowski on Cambria's Fiscalini Ranch on a moderate three-mile hike through grassland, mixed oak/Monterey pine forest and coastal bluffs. Expect a diversity of birds, including sparrows, birds of prey, Pygmy Nuthatches and rocky shore shorebirds. Pace will be determined by leader and desires of the group. 50 miles round trip by personal vehicle. Meets at Fiscalini Ranch south end, 2799 Windsor Blvd, Cambria.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Teodelina Martelli
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Harmony Headlands
Meet@: Harmony Headlands
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Take a walk with Teodelina Martelli through winding hills for 5+ raptor species, wintering waterfowl, and a surprise sea watch. The Harmony Headlands State Park trail is 4 miles roundtrip through open, pretty brush leading down to the rocky Pacific shore where cormorants and gulls contrast with the bluffs' flycatchers and swallows. We'll keep an eye out for brush rabbit, both eagle species, and native bees along the way. Meets at the Harmony Headlands trailhead parking lot, Hwy 1, 5 miles north of Cayucos. Look for Linn's billboard.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: R Rouvaishyana | Michael Mulroy
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Multiple Sites
Meet@: Morro Bay Community Center
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Join Rouvaishyana and Michael Mulroy to explore the Estero Bay Community Garden looking for hummingbirds, songbirds and others species. The walk will continue through Del Mar Park, then along Panorama Drive to see raptors, meadowlarks, and possibly some non-avian wildlife. The trip will end by backtracking along the same route. Spotting scopes not needed, but optional.
Meets at Morro Bay Comm. Center, 1001 Kennedy Way, Morro Bay.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Grace Hayes | Kristin Loft | Marin Romero
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Sea Pines Golf Resort
Meet@: Sea Pines Golf Resort
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Join Grace Hayes, Marin Romero & Kristin Loft to bird the hot spots in Los Osos. Expect to find birds in a variety of habitats including coastal scrub, beach, tidal marsh, mudflats, open bay, and willow thickets. Explore several birding hotspots including Sweet Springs, Doris Ave Marsh, and Pecho Willows. Meets at Sea Pines Golf Resort. 1945 Solano St, Los Osos.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Roy Poucher
Fee: $130.00
Trip Type: Master Class
Venue: SLO Botanical Garden Oak Glen Pavilion
Meet@: SLO Botanical Garden
Transportation Type: None
Bird songs are Nature's Music. We can experience and enjoy this magical music no matter how good we are at finding birds with our eyes. These sounds are already coming at us from 360 degrees. The focus of this Master Class by Roy Poucher is to increase our birding enjoyment by improving our skills as auditory birders. Some prior experience trying to identify birds by ear will surely be useful, but all experience levels will gain great value. Explore the principles of describing bird vocalizations in general, plus become familiar with specific vocalizations of common birds in the Morro Bay area. This Master Class workshop is part 1 of a 2-part learning process, with part 2 being the Master Class field trip. Attendees should choose either of two field trips: on Friday (#216) or on Sunday (#402). Meets at SLO Botanical Garden (inside El Choro Park), 3450 Dairy Creek Road, San Luis Obispo.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 8:15 AM to 12:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Bob Keally | Carmen Keally
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Fiscalini Ranch Tipton Street
Meet@: Fiscalini Ranch Tipton Street
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Bird with Bob & Carmen Keally on Cambria's Fiscalini Ranch on a moderate hike through grassland, and mixed oak/Monterey pine forest. Expect a diversity of birds, including sparrows, birds of prey and Pygmy Nuthatches. Pace will be determined by leader and desires of the group. 50 miles round trip by personal vehicle. Meets at Fiscalini Ranch -Tipton Street entrance. 2680 Tipton Street, Cambria.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 8:15 AM to 12:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Tom Graves
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Presentation/Field Trip
Venue: Hampton Inn Conference Room
Meet@: Hampton Inn
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Not a birding-by-ear expert yet? Learn how to record YOUR OWN bird sounds to help with ID. You already record birds by photo, take the next step by recording bird songs! Tom Graves loves recording bird sounds, and will walk you through field recording basics and how to save and share those recordings on your computer. After the presentation, the class will go outside and record a few sounds and download them to a laptop. Bring your smart phone and, if possible, your laptop. If you like you can prepare for the workshop by downloading two files: https://morrobaybirdfestival.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Using-Audacity-2025.pdf and https://morrobaybirdfestival.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Transferring-recordings-to-computer-2025.pdf. Meets in the Conference Room at the Hampton Inn, 295 Atascadero Rd, Morro Bay.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Kenn Kaufman | Steve Schubert | Dave Berry
Fee: $40.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Sea Pines Golf Resort
Meet@: Sea Pines Golf Resort
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Join Kenn Kaufman, Steve Schubert and Dave Berry for a walk adjacent to the coastal sand dunes and southernmost reaches of Morro Bay during a rising tide, focusing on upland passerines, raptors in flight, aquatic waterfowl, shorebirds, and long-legged waders. Overview of the natural history, flora and fauna will also be discussed. Habitats will include: estuary, coastal salt marsh and mudflats, coastal dune scrub, and planted eucalyptus trees.
Note: hiking in loose sand on gently undulating terrain for 1.5 - 2.0 miles, moderate difficulty. Optional continuation to crest of the dunes overlooking the sandy shore and Pacific inshore waters of Estero Bay. Meets at Sea Pines Golf Resort. 1945 Solano St, Los Osos.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: David Lindo | Mark Mushkat
Fee: $90.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Laguna Lake
Meet@: Morro Bay Community Center
Transportation Type: Bus
Laguna Lake and the surrounding park are a migratory stop and home to many waterfowl, including ducks, gulls, grebes, shorebirds, herons, egrets, Snow Geese. Join David Lindo & Mark Mushkat to see these and other birds like House Finch, Goldfinch, meadowlarks, raptors and even a possible Loggerhead Shrike. Beginners welcome! Includes 1 mile of level walking. 30 miles round trip by bus. Easy. Meets at Morro Bay Comm. Center, 1001 Kennedy Way, Morro Bay.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Rusty Scalf | Richard Neidhardt | Debbie Jo Bird
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Oso Flaco Lake
Meet@: Oso Flaco Lake
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Join Richard Neidhardt, Rusty Scalf and Debbie Jo Bird to enjoy close views of waterfowl and occasional bitterns and rails from the boardwalk over Oso Flaco Lake and marsh. Bird two prime willow habitats for wintering warblers. Includes 2-3 miles of slow walking. Moderate. Meet at Oso Flaco parking lot, 3004 Oso Flaco Lake Road, Arroyo Grande. State Parks requires a parking fee of $5.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Cruz Phillips | Cher Hollingworth
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Las Cruzitas Ranch
Meet@: Las Cruzitas Ranch
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Designed for those driving NORTH to the Festival from the south. This site is 75 miles SOUTH of Morro Bay! Travel by personal vehicle to Las Cruzitas, a private 1,500-acre cattle ranch including oak grassland and sage-covered canyons. You will be met by Cruz Phillips, the ranch owner, and Cher Hollingworth who will lead the trip. Expect to see Yellow-billed Magpies, Vesper and Lark Sparrows, Band-tailed Pigeons, Red-breasted Sapsuckers, Golden Eagles, and possibly Burrowing Owls, Prairie Falcons, Phainopeplas, Red-naped Sapsuckers and Lewis' Woodpeckers. At least 30 species are seen from the ranch house bird feeders alone, so folks who cannot walk far can sit in the yard and have a great time birding. Bring lunch. Meets at the intersection of Alisos Road and Happy Canyon Road in Santa Ynez.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 9:00 AM to 10:45 AM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Claudia Freitas | Karen Watts
Fee: $40.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Sub Sea Tours - Dos Osos
Meet@: Sub Sea Tours
Transportation Type: Boat
Join Claudia Freitas and Karen Watts for a leisurely boating tour of the bay on the Dos Osos, an open-deck 34-foot power catamaran. Identify a variety of shorebirds and waterfowl in winter plumage at very close range as the boat moves slowly to see details of many species normally seen from shore. Good photo opportunities, but no tripods. Dress warmly. Meets at Sub Sea Tours, 699 Embarcadero, #9, Morro Bay.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Virginia Flaherty
Fee: $55.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: MB State Park Kayak Launch
Meet@: MB State Park Kayak Launch
Transportation Type: Kayak
Go on a guided kayak tour of Morro Bay for an up close opportunity to see birds in their natural habitat! You may see: White Pelicans, Brant, Common Loons and a host of other migratory waterfowl and shorebirds. Paddle near the Heron Rookery, Grassy Island oyster farm, mudflats and channels of the Back Bay. Using double kayaks, no prior kayaking experience needed. Dress in layers with the following guidelines: synthetics or wool, no cotton, windbreaker jacket, hat for sun and wind protection, and shoes that can get wet. Weather conditions may cancel. Meets at the Morro Bay State Park Marina Kayak Shop. 10 State Park Road, Morro Bay.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Russ Namitz
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Kern National Wildlife Refuge
Meet@: Kern National Wildlife Refuge
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Join Wildlife Biologist Russ Namitz to explore the Kern National Wildlife Refuge. The Refuge is a major wintering grounds for thousands of ducks, geese, and other migratory birds. During the winter the waterfowl numbers may peak to 80,000 in December and January. Large concentrations of waterfowl can be seen foraging in the moist soil and seasonal marsh areas. This trip is intended for people traveling to the Festival from the North and East. Meets at the Ranger Station at the Kern National Wildlife Refuge. 10811 Corcoran Rd, Wasco, CA 93280
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Erik Ostrander | Hannah Buschert
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Morro Rock
Meet@: Morro Rock
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Whether you're just discovering the joys of birding, seeking to develop your birding skills, or wanting to share your love of birding with your family, these trips with Hannah and Erik are for you! They are happy to answer any and all questions about birds, birding, gear, and more. Expect a slow-paced walk as we look for birds, talk about IDs, and whatever else comes to mind! Meets at Morro Rock. Coleman Drive, Morro Bay. Meet across from bathrooms, next to Morro Rock.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Torrey Gage-Tomlinson | Rick Grijalva
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Cloisters, Azure Street
Meet@: Cloisters, Azure Street
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Join Torrey Gage-Tomlinson and Rick Grijalva at Cloisters Park Azure Street. The coastal scrub to the beach will offer a variety of birds, such as White- and Golden-crowned Sparrows, California Thrasher, Yellow-rumped Warbler and possible Ospreys in the nearby trees. On the beach, expect to see a myriad of shorebirds and waterfowl in the surf line. Further north on the beach, the Alva Paul pond is an excellent birding spot for terns and shorebirds, Two miles from the Community Center. Moderate walk, a short distance through sand. Meets in the parking lot across from 150 Azure Street, Morro Bay.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Eric Wier | Steve McMasters
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Villa Creek
Meet@: Morro Bay Community Center
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Join Eric Wier and Steve McMasters to explore the Villa Creek headlands, beach and estuary, part of Estero Bluffs State Park. This will be a slow-paced walk of 2-3 miles along a beautiful and wild ocean bluff trail along with a sandy beach stroll to Villa Cove. Expect rock-loving shorebirds such as Black and Ruddy Turnstones, Surfbirds, Whimbrels, scoters, terns, gulls. Look for herons and egrets in the estuary created by Villa Creek. Moderate hike due to hiking through sand for 1/2 mile. 21-mile roundtrip carpool from Morro Bay. Meets at Morro Bay Comm. Center, 1001 Kennedy Way, Morro Bay.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Bob Isenberg | Jerry Pyle
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Morro Rock
Meet@: Morro Rock
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Join Bob Isenberg and Jerry Pyle, Peregrine Watch, for a cup of coffee and pastries (while they last) and to search for owls and Peregrine Falcons at Morro Rock. Morro Rock is home to two pairs of breeding Peregrine Falcons. For several years, a Burrowing Owl has also been seen on the Rock. NOTE: this is a stop and scope event, not a planned walk. Stop by anytime from 9am and 2pm.
Meets at Morro Rock. Coleman Drive, Morro Bay. Meet across from bathrooms, next to Morro Rock. Look for Bob's van with awning, scopes and Peregrine statue.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Sharon Iranpour
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Cloisters, Azure Street
Meet@: Cloisters, Azure Street
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Learn about the life of the threatened Western Snowy Plover and walk south on Morro Strand Beach. We will then explore more of the beach and examine what else might be found in this sensitive environment. This event requires walking a short distance in soft sand. Walking distance about 1 mile. Meets in the parking lot across from 150 Azure Street, Morro Bay.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Ann Stockert
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Cloisters Park
Meet@: Cloisters Park
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Join Ann Stockert at Cloisters Park. The Park, with pond and nearby dunes, offers an interesting variety of birds, such as White- and Golden-crowned Sparrows, California Thrasher, Yellow-rumped Warbler and Black-crowned Night-Heron. The pond also attracts migratory ducks and geese. People in wheelchairs or using walkers or canes will find all paths accessible. Two miles from the Community Center. Easy. Meet at Cloisters Park. From Hwy 1 at the north end of Morro Bay, turn west (toward the water) at the San Jacinto traffic light, then take first left (south) on Coral Avenue; in a few blocks enter the parking lot on the right, next to the restrooms.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Event Type: Nature
Guide/Speaker: Audrey Taub
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: De Anza Wastewater Facility
Meet@: De Anza Wastewater Facility
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
After the winter rains and floods, the beaver dams on the Salinas River in Atascadero were all washed away. They have just begun rebuilding their dams and recreating their habitat. Come join us as we explore this new dam and beaver complex and see what changes have happened since our last visit.
The walk is a half-mile walk out to the ponds on sandy, rocky trails. It is helpful to wear water shoes or tall boots since we typically walk into the water up to our shins, or old sneakers you won't mind walking with into the water.
Restrooms are not available. There is no water or restroom facilities at the site, Home Depot and Starbucks are the closest facilities. Meets at 7973 Gabarda Road, Atascadero.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Event Type: Nature
Guide/Speaker: Faylla Chapman
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Los Osos Oaks State Preserve
Meet@: Los Osos Oaks State Preserve
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Join Faylla Chapman for tour of 4 different environments: riparian, oak woodland, marine chapparal and coastal scrub. The plants, fungi, lichens and small animals will be pointed out along the pathway through these areas and some local history will also be described. Poison oak is present in profusion. Meet at the Los Osos Oaks Preserve parking lot, 1.2 miles east (left) of South Bay Blvd. on Los Osos Valley Road. Up and down narrow trails, no restrooms.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Erik Ostrander | Hannah Buschert
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Presentation
Venue: Morro Bay Community Center - Lounge
Meet@: Morro Bay Community Center
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Birds around the world need our help. They face so many challenges on migration, in their breeding habitats, and in your backyard. Join Hannah and Erik to learn more about the state of our birds and find out what you can do at home and on the larger scale to help the birds!
Meets at Morro Bay Comm. Center, 1001 Kennedy Way, Morro Bay.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
Event Type: Nature
Guide/Speaker: Sharon Blakely
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: T Pier at Great American Fish Company
Meet@: T Pier at Great American Fish Company
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Enjoy learning about the Southern Sea Otters at their favorite hangouts in Morro Bay! Sharon Blakely will provide fascinating natural history of these marine mammal superheroes of a healthy kelp forest. 3 miles round trip by personal vehicle; 30-minute walk one way. Easy. Meets at South T pier next to Great American Fish Company, 1185 Embarcadero, Morro Bay
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 1:00 PM to 2:45 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Steve Schubert | Marlin Harms
Fee: $40.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Sub Sea Tours - Dos Osos
Meet@: Sub Sea Tours
Transportation Type: Boat
Join Steve Schubert & Marlin Harms for a leisurely boating tour of the bay on the Dos Osos, an open-deck 34-foot power catamaran. Identify a variety of shorebirds and waterfowl in winter plumage at very close range as the boat moves slowly to see details of many species normally seen from shore. Good photo opportunities, but no tripods. Dress warmly. Meets at Sub Sea Tours, 699 Embarcadero, #9, Morro Bay.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Benny Jacobs-Schwartz
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Presentation
Venue: Hampton Inn Conference Room
Meet@: Hampton Inn
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Get ready for a dive into South America's birdiest country with Benny Jacob-Schwartz! Together we'll explore Colombia's unique ecology, breathtaking scenery, and unparalleled avian diversity! Colombia holds the record with nearly 2,000 bird species and an impressive 80 endemics!
During our time together, we'll discuss what has given rise to such incredible diversity. Topics include the country's five regions, how the Andes Mountain Range formed into three distinct cordilleras, the importance of the mighty Rio Magdalena, and national conservation successes. From sloth-eating Harpy Eagles to shy antpittas, and menageries of colorful tanagers and hummingbirds, Colombia's astonishing diversity will leave you wanting more!
Meets at the Hampton Inn, 295 Atascadero Rd, Morro Bay.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: R Rouvaishyana | Van Dees
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Morro Rock
Meet@: Morro Rock
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Morro Rock is home to Peregrine Falcons, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Common Yellowthroat, various sparrows, the elusive Canyon Wren, and sometimes a Burrowing Owl. Join Rouvaishyana and Van Dees to look for cormorants, various species and age classes of gulls, Brown Pelicans and maybe a Common Murre. Meets at Morro Rock. Coleman Drive, Morro Bay. Meet across from bathrooms, next to Morro Rock.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Dale Ball | Clara Thomas
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Morro Bay State Park Marina
Meet@: Morro Bay State Park Marina
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
The Morro Bay State Park Marina boardwalk provides opportunities for viewing a variety of shorebirds, ducks, geese, loons, grebes, gulls, terns and herons. Peregrine Falcons and other raptors are often seen. Led by Dale Ball, the level half-mile walk is especially suited for photographers, wheelchairs and those using walkers and canes. Easy. Meets at the Peninsula Trail Head, southeast end of the State Park Marina parking lot, across from Morro Bay State Park Campground.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Bettina Eastman | Eva Moylan
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Black Hill La Loma
Meet@: Morro Bay Community Center
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Join Eva Moylan & Bettina Eastman to explore the pine woods on the slopes of Black Hill in Morro Bay, where you will hike trails searching for towhees, finches, woodpeckers and other birds of this habitat. Easy to moderate hiking for advanced beginner to intermediate birders. 5 miles round trip by personal vehicle. Easy. Guide is able to present this walk in Spanish. Meets at Morro Bay Comm. Center, 1001 Kennedy Way, Morro Bay.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Event Type: Nature
Guide/Speaker: Sharon Lovejoy
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Journaling / Sketching
Venue: SLO Botanical Garden Oak Glen Pavilion
Meet@: SLO Botanical Garden
Transportation Type: None
Join author, illustrator, and naturalist Sharon Lovejoy for a nature journaling workshop. Her tips and simple techniques will inspire you and give you a strong foundation and a set of wings. The workshop will begin with a video that shares dozens of journals. Basic bird anatomy (hand-out included) will jump-start your bird studies. A focus on birds common in gardens will be sketched along with small illustrations of their nesting materials, feathers, and foods - insects, acorns, berries, larvae, and flowers with nectar.
Bring journals, 2 B pencils, kneaded erasers, a pencil sharpener, small watercolor sets, brushes, and a magnifying glass.
Meets in the Oak Glen Pavilion at SLO Botanical Garden (inside El Choro Park), 3450 Dairy Creek Road, San Luis Obispo.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Jocelynn Marriott | Jodi Isaacs | Gregor Yanega
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Presentation
Venue: Baywood Inn
Meet@: Baywood Inn
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Join us for an informative and engaging event on avian monitoring through bird banding. Discover the Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) program, learn how and why we band birds, and enjoy some stunning close-up photos of our local bird species. We'll also showcase our partnerships with the California Central Coast Joint Venture and Cal Poly, including additional MAPS stations operating in the area and types of Cal Poly student involvement. Don't miss this opportunity to learn and ask questions about our efforts! NOTE: Equipment demonstrations will NOT be performed on live birds during this presentation). Meets at the Baywood Inn, 1335 3rd St, Los Osos. Conference Room is adjacent to the parking lot.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Grace Hayes | Kristin Loft | Marin Romero
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Elfin Forest
Meet@: Elfin Forest
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
The Elfin Forest of Los Osos encompasses 7 habitats visible from a boardwalk, with bay overlooks. Join Grace Hayes, Marin Romero & Kristin Loft to see raptors, passerines and shorebirds in this easy-paced walk. Beginners welcome! The 'Magic' of the Elfin Forest is in the adaptability of the various plant communities with hidden beauty found everywhere. This trip is accessible to wheelchairs or people using walkers and canes. Total walking distance will be about 1.5 miles. 15 miles round trip by personal vehicle. Easy. Meets at the entrance on the north end of 16th Street from Santa Ysabel Avenue in the town of Los Osos. Parking at the street end is very limited, however you can park anywhere along 16th Street as long as you do not block driveways or mail boxes. You can even park on an adjacent street and walk the short distance to the 16th Street entrance.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Van Pierszalowski
Fee: $0.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Washburn Creek
Meet@: Washburn Creek
Transportation Type: Self-Drive
Join Van Pierszalowski to bird San Simeon Creek. This trip will start at the Washburn Creek parking area with easy access to San Simeon creek lagoon and the beach area. An elevated boardwalk provides access to a riparian area.
Meets at Washburn Day Use parking lot, on Hwy 1, 1.8 miles north of last traffic light in Cambria. Right turn into the parking lot with public bathrooms available.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 3:00 PM to 4:45 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: Jon Dunn | David Lindo | Tom Edell
Fee: $50.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Sub Sea Tours - Dos Osos
Meet@: Sub Sea Tours
Transportation Type: Boat
Enjoy a leisurely boating tour of the bay and estuary with Jon Dunn, David Lindo and Tom Edell in an open-deck 34-foot power catamaran. View a variety of shorebirds and waterfowl, often at close range. The boat will move slowly enough for you to see details of many species that you normally see only through a scope from shore. Good photo opportunities, but no tripods. Dress warmly. Meets at Sub Sea Tours, 699 Embarcadero, #9, Morro Bay.
Event Day: Thursday
Event Hours: 3:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Event Type: Birding
Guide/Speaker: R Rouvaishyana | Peggy Burhenn
Fee: $90.00
Trip Type: Field Trip
Venue: Multiple Sites
Meet@: Morro Bay Community Center
Transportation Type: Bus
Join leaders Peggy Burhenn and Rouvaishyana for owling. Leaving from the Morro Bay Community Center at 3:30 PM and returning around 9:00 PM, we begin searching for daytime owls 3:30-5:30 PM, then eat dinner together 5:30-6:30 PM, finishing up listening for nighttime owls 6:30-8:30 PM.
Details: Daytime owling for Short-eared, burrowing and roosting owls. We will stop for no-host dinner to share stories as we wait for dark. After dark, we listen for nighttime owls. Dress warmly in quiet clothes - no nylon. We will be walking quietly through mud, standing silently in cold weather, while it is pitch black, listening for owls! Sounds like a good time to me! Possibilities: Great-horned, Western Screech, Saw-whet, Short-eared, Barn Owls, Poorwill and more. Travel with leader in bus with many in/out stops. Heavy rain will cancel field trip. Meets at Morro Bay Comm. Center, 1001 Kennedy Way, Morro Bay.