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Jean Pierre Wolff

Jean Pierre Wolff We are committed to maintaining and improving the ecology of our vineyard. As such, we apply sustainable winegrowing practices including soil management, integrated pest management, water management/conservation and energy conservation. We utilize cover crops, organic soil amendments, integrated pest management. We use the positive point system developed by the Central Coast Vineyards Team to continuously improve our sustainable wine growing practices.

We employ a two-part program for natural habitat conservation and restoration: the first part includes quail, kestrel, red-tail hawk and barn owl. We have also have regular sightings of golden eagles around the property.

The second part involves a long-term project for fish habitat restoration in our two boundary creeks running to Pismo Beach. We have also formed a watershed group composed of concerned landowners within Edna Valley and Pismo Beach. Our fish habitat restoration program includes erosion control, re-vegetation, shading, riparians repairs, bio-engineering alternatives, ground water percolation improvements. We are working closely with the Natural Resources and Conservation Services, Department of Fish and Game, Water Resources Control Board, Army Corp of Engineers, National Marine Fisheries, and the Central Coast Salmon Enhancement society to name a few.

In colaboration with the San Luis Obispo Turtle Society and Dept. of Fish and Game, our pond is used as a refuge habitat project for California native pond turtles.

We support new research projects benefiting the environment by volunteering our vineyard as a testing station for projects such as "Beneficial Insect Release" in cooperation with UC Davis and Cal Poly. We have a beta site for a new type of electronic soil moisture sensors downloadable in the vineyard by a laptop computer. We are a biodynamic research site for the Central Coast Vineyards Team as part of a State research grant to reduce dependency on herbicides and pesticides.

Trips led by Jean Pierre Wolff