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Mark Mushkat

Mark Mushkat Mark Mushkat was lured into a lifetime of birding when he watched tens of thousands of migrating raptors--daily--on the shores of Lake Ontario in 1979. Inspired by these large, dramatic birds of prey, he learned how to locate and identify increasingly smaller ones, finally reaching that dreaded stage of LBJs--little brown jobs. His efforts at researching , photographing, and teaching about birds have led him to more than 30 countries and more than 3000 avian species across the continents and decades. Retired from a business career, Mark stays active in the birding community with eBird submissions, photography, app consulting, and sharing the pleasures of birding with others who are likewise interested in bettering their skills. Mark who was also was a board member of Audubon California and of Golden Gate Audubon, lives on California's Central Coast with his partner Susan and their cantankerous, bossypants dog Lucy.