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Sharon Blakely

Sharon Blakely

"Every day a field trip, Every meal a picnic!" Sharon's life motto suggests retirement be spent OUTDOORS. And that's where to exercise our fascination with thousands of feathered- and furred- neighbors on the Central Coast. Her past 43-year career centered on nutrition: Hospital Dietitian, Supermarket Chain Food and Nutrition Director, lastly UC Davis Fresno County Nutrition Advisor. She "changed channels" to become a Certified California Naturalist, a Central Coast State Park Docent (Sea Otter Experience, Montana de Oro Trail Rover, Sea Life Steward and more), Pacific Wildlife Care volunteer and Baby Bird Lead, Oiled Wildlife Care Specialist, Sea Otter Savvy Community Scientist .. a few of the mainliners. Concentrating on "extra-otterinary" stuff, she has collected data on disturbance and population of Morro Bay and Avila Sea Otters, tracked releases of rehabilitated otters for Monterey Bay Aquarium and The Marine Mammal Center, observed several necropsies, and presented interpretative programs on Southern Sea Otters for over 10 years. If you think otters are "just another pretty face", join us to Explore Otter Space and Learn the Otter Truth
