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Sharon Blakely

Sharon Blakely "Every day a field trip,Every meal a picnic!" Sharon's life motto suggests being outdoors is focal in retirement, therefore her fascination with our feathered- and furred- neighbors on the Central Coast. She relished a 43-year career in nutrition: hospital dietitian, Food and Nutrition Director for a supermarket chain, then retired as UC Davis Fresno County Nutrition Advisor. Now, there's time for becoming a Certified California Naturalist, a Central Coast State Park Docent (Sea Otter Experience, Rover at Montana de Oro, and more), a Pacific Wildlife Care volunteer, an Oiled Wildlife Specialist, a Sea Otter Savvy Volunteer, a Sea Life Steward are some of the mainliners. Concentrating on the "extra-otterinary" stuff, she has studied, collected data on disturbance and population in Morro Bay, tracked, observed several necropsies, and presented interpretative programs on Southern Sea Otters for over 6 years. If you think otters are "just another pretty face", join us to learn the Otter Truth about Morro Bay.