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Neha Kumar

Neha Kumar Neha Kumar is the creator of Lazy Birders, where she and co-creator Vinish develop content on the basics of birding, bird journaling, and nature photography through their experiences. Lazy Birders aspires to inspire beginner birders to come out and play and contribute their findings to participatory science.

Neha has a background in Life Sciences, teaching at high schools, and mentoring high school students interested in a Biology major. She is a certified California Naturalist and an avid bird watcher. This summer, she participated in the Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference as a moderator. She is enrolled in Ornithology: The Comprehensive Bird Biology by The Cornell Lab.

The best way to find Neha and Vinish is on YouTube and the Lazy Birders website.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@LazyBirders
Website: https://www.lazybirders.com/