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Teodelina Martelli

Teodelina Martelli

Teodelina Martelli is a passionately interdisciplinary ornithologist who has loved birds since the age of three years old and studied them at Pomona College in California. Growing up homeschooled allowed her to devote time to the intersections of ornithology, music composition, illustration, and languages, and she is the 2018 ABA Young Birder of the Year. With research on the conservation of the California Condor, she has published in Aves Argentinas (belonging to the Argentine subdivision of BirdLife International) and presented for organizations including Western Field Ornithologists. Teaching is one of her major callings, with extensive experience lecturing and trip-leading for courses/camps, often self-organized or by invitation. She is particularly interested in researching the mechanics of migration, sexual selection, and the evolution of learning in birds. An enthusiastic attendee of the Festival since 2014, she always look forward to spending time amid the birds and bird students at Morro Bay each year.

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