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Vinish Janardhanan

Vinish Janardhanan Vinish is a photographer and artist who also indulges in the simple joy of birding. Professionally a designer, he enjoys finding new ways to grow his skill and curiosity to capture and communicate the beauty of nature.

Originally from India, Vinish lives in San Francisco with his wife, Neha. They have embarked on a shared adventure to explore California's natural wonders as "Lazy Birders". Through their journey, they hope to inspire a deeper respect and fascination for California's natural wonders, among others. Vinish is enrolled in Ornithology: The Comprehensive Bird Biology by The Cornell Lab.

The best way to find Vinish and Neha is on YouTube and the Lazy Birders website.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@LazyBirders
Website: https://www.lazybirders.com/